Creating Social Media Content for Artists

Facebook Content for Artists

creating facebook content, creating content for social media,
Creating Content for Facebook

Each week I write a brand new article for members of our three wonderful art groups on Facebook, The Artists Exchange, The Artists Directory, and The Artist Hangout. This Week we’re getting straight down to the point. Creating content for social media is without question a fine art in itself. If you are doing social media right then it is also a heap of hard work.

This week there are no cotton wool wraps that cushion you from the blow. If you are serious about marketing and selling your work there are no short cuts. If you want to make sure your social content rocks just as much as your art then you really are going to have to put in at least as much effort into creating each post as you do with any artwork you produce and then some. You need to create masterpieces in the studio and another kind of masterpiece for your social media timeline. Buckle up because for some people this is likely to be a bumpy ride.

Facebook isn’t really the problem people think it is...

Facebook gets a lot of bad press. I mean it really gets a lot of bad press. Not once did I see a post on my timeline appear from anyone who said they were happy with what they don’t pay Facebook for the service they provide.  Just like I don’t ever recall anyone saying thanks to the thousands of Facebook community standards reviewers who have to review some of the most deplorable depraved and downright ugly social media posts whenever they get reported.

I get why people take offence to Zuck, he’s a CEO with a healthy bank balance and to be honest I don’t always agree with a lot of his methods but those are his methods and like them or not, Facebook is still the number one social media platform. But the people who work at Facebook are just like you and me. Normal people trying to earn a living, and being sucked into the bad press that comes with the gig.

So from me and I am sure a lot of other people, thank you to the Facebook team, many of us appreciate the work you do that we thankfully never get to see. I know that the world can be an ugly place and unfortunately a lot of people seem to be intent on sharing the darker side of ugly on Facebook every day.
Of course they don’t always get it right. Data breaches, the algorithm mistaking a fine artwork for pornography, these things happen yet we never expect them to because this is technology and we think technology is always good. It can be good, great, even life affirming, but technology is never ever as good as the ultimate machine. It isn’t human.

AI struggles to contextualise, algorithms are weighted, but strip the content away from every account and social media suddenly becomes a level playing field. It is how we as humans interact with it and use it that changes it from horizontal to varying degrees of vertical and then some. Whenever there’s a new round of ugly doing the rounds on Facebook the playing field has to change again. It’s what I term as an adaptive environment and it makes it really difficult for those who play by the rules to keep on track and stay within the rules.

We have discussed the use of Facebook business pages for a while and I know why people don’t see them as a priority, but critically if you do want the reach and you don’t want to pay to boost a post or run an advert, pages are still the best and officially the only way you should be promoting your business if you want to stay within the community standards laid down in the rules. Those will be the community standards that everyone signs up to but few ever read. I hear you when you say that you get more views on your personal profile, but work at the page and develop a strategy and the numbers will be massively higher eventually. Check your pages Insights data now and then again every week, you should start to see the increase if you are starting to get it right and make sure to link your website to the business page because that really helps.

Now here’s where I turn into a Hulk-like brutal and honest friend. The single biggest reason that you don’t get anywhere near enough reach on a business page is because of the few things that you are probably not already doing. Don’t worry, it’s not just you. Lots of people feel the frustration of spending hours on the platform to get little in return, it took me five years to get anywhere near what I wanted!

The good news is that you have the gift of being able to do something about these things. This isn’t comfortable to write so I know that when you read this after struggling with your organic reach it might hit home a little, maybe it will even smart for a while, but here goes anyway. Buckle up because I really am about to say it!

To get anywhere your content needs to resonate for it to connect with people enough so that they feel compelled to share its value to others. The single most difficult thing, as in it is sometimes, forget that - always, easier to chase down unicorns than create 100% shareable content 100% of the time. I’m with you and I feel your pain. There’s no dressing it up, if content sucks, it sucks and people won’t feel compelled to share it.

  • You need compelling content to trigger the response of sharing. Content can be beautiful, well-constructed, informative, and it can still suck. If it doesn’t resonate with who you want it to resonate with then no one or very few will share it. There is no other way to dress this up and whilst it does sound cold and brutal, that really sums it up.
  • Did I mention that your content is the problem? Well maybe it’s not as big a problem as you might think after reading the first two points. It could simply be that you haven’t as yet found your people. Just like finding the demographic who love your work you also have to find the demographic who love your content and I don’t believe for one second that they are always the same people or even close. The downside, finding out where real life unicorns hang out is a much simpler task than finding your people.
  • Your content might be the best content ever in the eyes of some people but they might not be the eyes that will ever go on to buy your work. In short, you might have two totally disparate sets of people. Some who love social media and love your art but probably will never buy it, and those who love your art and will buy it and they might or might not be on social media. You might have some people who are friends but like neither your art or your social media posts.

This is a problem because you can’t be everything to everyone and this is the one of the first hurdles that trips people up when creating content. If you rely solely on social media to market your work then the ideal scenario is to find the people who love your art and who love social media or more specifically, people who love how you do social media and go on to buy your art.  The downside is that you then need to be careful that what you post, share, or say, doesn’t then upset the fine balance you found when you discovered those people.

You need that magical word I keep on mentioning to become the word of the week, every week. That word of course is engagement. It's hard work, I mean really hard work. Engagement itself is easy enough in short bursts but you then have to sustain it and do it forever. This means that even the most un-people type person needs to become a people person, do this consistently and then maintain it. Told you this was going to be hard work.

abracadabra the magic of social media posts
There are no short cuts or wands!

It’s not that business pages don’t work or really that we never get the organic reach we once had because Facebook want to nickel and dime us into boosting a post, although they are frequently guilty of doing that too, it’s about the changes to the Facebook algorithm that look at the quality metrics. If there’s no reach and no shares or reactions on a post, the algorithm down ranks the content. We might not like it but this is actually a good thing if we want to ensure eyes on our posts. Embrace it because you are never going to change it.

It down ranks posts for other things too, too much text, stock images, memes, links to poor quality sites, the list goes on. More simply, and this bit is really is going to smart, your content might not be as good as you think it is and isn’t resonating with the audience. You might think you see more engagement on a personal timeline but the reality is that the rest of your content might be dragging the new stuff down.

There could be other reasons but ultimately no one would ever watch Netflix if they only showed poor quality films, it’s the same with content on Facebook. We need to look at how people are interacting and engaging and what with. The only other reason that your reach is declining is because you haven’t found your people, it’s not just because you didn’t pay for that boost that Facebook constantly nags you to do.

The result is that we spend hours creating content blindly because we don’t definitively know who the people who buy our art are. What we do at that point is we create all sorts of content, good, bad, and indifferent and it’s never consistent, there is never a coherent strategy that focuses on or thinks about what comes next. We rarely take a step back and ask ourselves if what we are producing as content is really working, yet we might do it all of the time with our art even subconsciously. Great content can become a mind set and not just another chore.

Often we don’t think about what “working” looks like, we just feel disappointed when we only reach six people. Before you even contemplate creating good content from this point forward you might want to first figure out what your version of performing well or good really looks like in your eyes. Remember though that you should start out by setting some small expectations and incrementally work them up into things like hitting a million likes.

We have to make sure that our people on Facebook or any other social media network are enjoying our content and we then have to get down to the cold basics of this social media business. Are those people just enjoying your content or are they buying your work as well?
In the perfect world of course they would be doing both but we all know that this isn’t a perfect world and there are so many variables with social media and those variables change because someone or lots of someone’s decide to force the hand of change onto the algorithm. It is a system with more than 2-billion moving parts and it is built for everyone and not specifically just for you.

Perhaps people enjoy your content but don’t buy your work and maybe that should tell us something. I often write that we should listen to what people say and do but we should always listen more intently to what they maybe don’t say or do too.

Your people on social media right now are most likely your friends and fellow artists and whilst many artists do buy the work of other artists they’re probably never in all honesty going to become your core market, although they can be one of your most important markets.

These friends are essential because they believe in you and what you do, they’re your best advocates and influencers. They add value to you by supporting and encouraging you, by sharing your posts and exposing you to their own people. One theory I’m a huge believer in is when artists support other artists and collaborate in true partnerships by advocating the work of other artists. Partnership is the key word here, it has to be reciprocal otherwise it’s not a partnership at all. What we need to focus on next is finding the other type of our people, the ones who buy our art.

There are two things that ultimately drive people to make a purchase, logic and emotion and the two often become conflicted. People never buy using logic alone, emotion is just as much the key that opens the door to sales and in a social media context, the door to shares.
You can produce the greatest masterpiece the art world has ever known but when you open your mouth or in this case you craft a post on social media, the question really should be about whether you are adding any value to the artwork or taking all or most of the value away with what you say or post. This is something that we see happen in front of our eyes, content appearing on our timeline becomes pretty random or starts to look generic and takes a step or two away from the core mission of getting the work seen.

Appealing only to people’s emotions won’t get you past the line on its own, you do have to appeal to peoples logical sides too. People make decisions based first on emotion so your content has to hook them in, then people need to justify what they choose to buy or share, and to do this they rely on logic. Think of all the times you have seen something in the art supply store, immediately wanted it, and then justified why you want it or shouldn’t have it to yourself. That’s the logical part of the brain kicking in immediately after the emotion has passed. This happens whenever I visit an art supply store and it protects me from buying the entire stock and then robbing a bank to pay the bill. Logic says I wouldn’t get away with it. True story, I so need a new laser printer and lots of thermal foil.

It seems that the most successful corporate brands have this seemingly uncanny knack of getting you to part with your cash down to a fine art. They have entire departments working out firstly what makes you fall in love with a product and then getting the logical part of your brain on side too.

I think that is frequently down to lots of things. It could be that they offer exceptional after sales service or they wrap the sale up within an enjoyable experience or a seemingly amazing offer or deal, and if they’re selling widgets its much easier when the widget is something that you have to have rather than just want. We can’t live without food so we buy it, with art, well we can consume art pretty much anywhere.

This is when you need that emotional hook and then you need the logical hook too, the same thing happens with our social media posts. They need to hook people in and if they’re simply scrolling past them every time it’s a good indication that they’re not resonating anywhere near enough with your people who for the most part are probably as eager to find their own people just as much as you are. When you create content you need to think about what will make people pause for a moment and you need to make sure that the hook appears within almost milliseconds.

sass up your social media content
Sass up your content...

What we know so far...

Let’s quickly recap on what we have concluded so far. We know that bad content sucks but we don’t always stand back and realise it, instead we keep replicating the same thing. Now’s the time to stand back, compare your content with the content produced by popular and commercially successful artists and corporations and think about how you can apply some similar tactics into your content strategy, and more importantly still make it your content because you do have to be unique. It isn’t going to be easy and there’s no point dressing it up as if it is. Social media is easy, good social media is really, really difficult, great content, wow, that’s another level up entirely.

We also know that emotion and logic have a role in pretty much everything we do as humans, so just as your art needs to convey stories and emotion your social posts could do with a healthy dose of those elements too. What social posts definitely don’t need to do is to smell of drama and headaches. Told you I was going to be brutal and honest but bear with, they call this tough love.

We also know that you have to add value to everything. Something that you can give that no one else can and it doesn’t have to be monetary, it could be just going the extra mile or adding in detail that others miss. I see artist give always all the time and they work well for some people but not for all.

They can certainly be a hook but a lot of the time they’re run as a one off promotion and the initial buzz eventually dies out. The smarter play is to ask what you want to achieve from a giveaway in the first place because if it’s numbers of likes then your better play will be to produce better content and forget anything else which could just be another temporary sticking plaster. 

You also have to question why likes are important, is it maybe just validation you are looking for or do you feel that likes will turn into sales? They will sometimes because social proof is often a key driver when people make decisions on purchases but you can have a million likes and still not see a sale, or six likes and sell a warehouse full of work. If you have your people in front of you it doesn't matter so much about the numbers.

The problem with Facebook is maybe sometimes Facebook...

Facebook is the single most difficult social media platform to work with. That’s not just me saying that, entire industries exist to create nothing but social media and content strategies for use on Facebook. Corporations have entire social media departments and even they sometimes get it wrong. The problem though is that you kind of have to be present on social media and that includes Facebook but so does everyone else which makes it even harder to stand out.

The other problem with Facebook is that there is always a heap of trash before you find the treasure. You see it and scroll past it just as we all do. This is the very reason that the algorithm continues to change and the quality indicators make it more and more difficult to reach the right people. Lots of people post either poor content or content that is only mediocre but rarely recognise it as poor content and it becomes the norm. Each time this happens it erodes your relevancy to the algorithm.

When you post content you need to post content that makes you want to stop scrolling and take a deeper look. Millions of posts are created every second and that’s a problem when that little social gem gets buried beneath everything else. Every post counts should be the mantra to live by when it comes to social media.

The other issue is that we expect immediacy. Zeros and ones move around the cyber-sphere at lightning speed so we expect that everything should be instant. We should get twenty five likes, loves and wows on a post immediately after clicking the publish button but sadly it doesn’t work like that. People might not be online when you post so you need to wait for them to catch up on their own timelines, and the way the algorithm works as I have explained before is that it only shows it the post to your most engaged people first. If they like it, love it, wow it, comment on it and ideally share the post, the algorithm shows it to the next set of people who need to do the same before it hits the next set of people and so on and so on.

Facebook has two sides. Personal profiles are for friends and family, acquaintances, they are personal, whereas business pages are exactly that, they’re there to provide the tools that you need to market and operate a business. Pages are only a tool they’re not some magical answer that will solve problems around having poor content, to counter that you need to master the use of the tool, find your people and create better content.

Standing out in a sea of content...

We now know what makes content resonate and we have an idea that content needs to be better constructed and reach out to both the emotions and logic of people because what people are often looking out for when sharing is some kind of emotional communion, something which was picked up in a research paper many years ago which was conducted through the University of Pennsylvania. They also described ways that emotion leads to transmission. In short, emotion equates to sharing.

But what really takes content from poor to good? Well the answer to that is just as complex as the mission was and will continue to be to find your people. Once you have found them you need to start to understand what they do and don’t like. What are the triggers that will make them buy a piece of art, share a post, or start to have meaningful engagement? This is a process that takes time and comes back to being patient. There is no immediacy in any of this.

So let’s look at what some of the key factors are that are needed within social posts. For this I took another look at the research papers from Penn State and spent the best part of a few weeks taking notes about what people were sharing on Facebook, but more widely than from what only my friends were sharing. Here’s what seemed to be the most popular motivations that made people want to share.

  • Friendship. Friends will frequently share something that touches them and often they might share something out of a sense of loyalty.
  • People share to amplify what they have found to others and something that resonated with them in what is probably meant by that phrase “social communion” from Penn State.
  • They share to add value to their own timelines
  • To grow and forge meaningful relationships and build trust. Of course sharing the wrong thing can also bring about distrust.
  • To spread the word about what we like and care about – this might be related to some form of social cohesion or a need to fit in or even brag. But beliefs are hugely shareable if they reach people whose own beliefs are the same or similar.
  • Entertaining and emotive content also gets shared frequently, not so much the stuff that we have seen a hundred times before though. People become de-tuned when it gets repeated, it just adds to the noise.
  • Content that was funny was shared a lot, controversial, informative, cute and factual seemed to be shared more often than other content too.
From the relatively small amount of research I did over a few weeks of taking notes and from reading more than a few papers from various studies on the subject, there appears to not be an exact science in creating content. Some of a posts share-ability seems to stem from not just the type of content posted but also from the time content was posted and how quickly that content started to amplify across the social media sphere and how influential some of the sharers were.

Once likes and shares were being gained from posts they were more likely to go on to get many more views, reactions and comments. One of the things I have noticed over the past year or so is that whenever I share the work of other artists the reach for those posts falls short of my usual posts. Maybe the answer here is that we should all be supporting other artists who support other artists by giving those third-party posts a comment and a reaction too. Again this comes back to my earlier point that things work better when everyone collaborates to support each other. Collaboration and support isn’t just about buying another artists work, it is about sharing and reacting, commenting, and encouraging.

it is okay to be you
It's Okay...

Visuals stood out when I looked through literally hundreds of posts. Some had used stock images that had been used over and over again and these seemed to perform less well than posts with unique visuals. The presentation of a post seemed to be a significant contributing factor. I call this the Pinterest effect, everyone wants their timelines to reflect how we portray ourselves to be online or to match our own aspirations. Look on Instagram and many of the major influencers who have huge follower counts have visually appealing profiles with photos and images that are consistent with who they are and how they want to be presented online.

Social proof was definitely a factor when I looked through random posts, and for businesses that were selling products the comments were often a hot bed of either good news stories or disasters. We live in the age where other people’s comments, opinions and reviews really matter and a lot of the comments I noticed (particularly after reading the comments of mattress companies) were influencing other readers towards either buying the product or steering well clear.

Have a strategy…

I know I have said this many times before but you really do need to have a strategy with social media. The less on the fly and better planned your social media becomes, the better the chances of making every post move from zero to hero. Of course you will still post duds and to be honest you will still post more duds than viral worthy winners. But with each winning post comes the ultimate prize of more and more engagement and more people talking about you, your work, and your page. All of these contribute to the metrics that Facebook use to judge whether or not a post is worthy of being surfaced more widely.

I know from experience that finding the unicorn of virality is difficult, I have maybe had at most a half a dozen posts that have been shared tens of thousands of times and I have been using social media since it pretty much came out. But equally I don’t spend anywhere near as much time on social media as I once did but that is because I have a customer base away from social media too and that’s my primary customer base.

Despite that I still have a strategy and my own idea of what success for a post for me looks like. Setting up a strategy can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be difficult and you may want to have sub strategies that ensure your posts hit the right spot each time too. There are lots of things you could add to any strategy but the 22-things below are the key factors that I try to apply whenever I post anything to my page at all.

The Social Strategy…

  1.  Determine what success looks like – start with small steps and build as your presence grows
  2. Take a business page first approach – focus on the long haul ahead of making your business page and the content better. Keep your personal profile for personal use and use it sparingly to share what is going on within your business page, but share the posts from your business page as the reactions and likes will contribute to the business page metrics for that post.
  3. Figure out who your people are, but also try to figure out how your people think. This will help your art and your social media posts. Ask questions, take notice of inaction's.
  4. Add value. It doesn’t have to be monetary, but add something that people only find with you. Maybe it is that you always respond to messages, engage with them, and provide updates and WIPs, offer the occasional give away, in short, but only give what you can afford to give as an incentive.
  5. Try not to make the page all about direct sales. Marketing posts should have a call to action but your page isn’t Craig’s List, it should reflect what you are your art are about, give people a sense of what you care most about, and the page should be engaging.
  6. Create posts that you would want to share. Trust your gut, and question how many times you ever share yet another marketing post. Chances are you share only what you feel is important to you. That’s how you also find your people, they will respond to the same things you like and do.
  7. Create compelling stories either using text or visuals but also recognise that emotion and logic will have a role to play when it comes to the content being shared. Don’t dramatise content, business and drama rarely make a good partnership or instill confidence.
  8. Stand back and take time away from social media occasionally to reevaluate your strategy. Don’t feel that you have to force out content, take your time because this is a long game.
  9. Measure and manage. Use the Facebook Insights tool to measure and manage your pages and posts success and failures. Both are vital in knowing how and when to reevaluate what it is that you are doing and not doing. Don’t be afraid to experiment either.
  10.  Be unique. Remember that uniqueness is what will attract people to your page and content. By all means check out what others are doing but always try to add your own uniqueness to the post so that it doesn’t look just like someone else’s page. The page is a reflection of you and your art and both of those are already unique.
  11. Consider forming partnerships and collaborations for social media. It could be that you always share someone else’s posts but they never share yours. Make partnerships work for both of you.
  12. Fact check everything that you share if it doesn’t come from a trusted source.
  13. Probably the most contentious one, but if you support a particular cause or organisation that might alienate many of your people, think twice and don’t take that kind of risk. There’s another reason for that because pages now have a quality score. You can find out your pages quality score in the settings and it will tell you if there have ever been breaches in community standards. Those standards are suddenly more important than ever.
  14. Be inclusive, be mindful that not everyone will share the same views beliefs, opinions, or aspirations. Using social media as a tool for your business is also about winning hearts and minds. Another reason why your personal profile and business profile should be separated.
  15. Set realistic time scales. This time last year I set a goal of gaining another hundred likes on my own business page and I finally did that by creating one post that sort of had one of those social media moments. Proof that good content will build engagement and numbers. As for sales, it’s difficult to say one way or another if that single post contributed to a recent uptick in sales, but it wouldn’t have done any harm.
  16. Plan the next post and at least the next three or four posts that will appear on your page in advance. I know what I will be posting on what day over the next week which makes it simpler and I’m not foraging for content breadcrumbs, but it also ensures that each post has time to breathe and grow. Some people post frequently others not so much, there are no golden numbers, it really is about what works for you. Experiment.
  17. Add in calls to action on marketing posts but add in questions to other types of posts too so that you have the potential for people to leave a comment. Never directly ask for likes and shares as the algorithm disapproves!
  18. Rewrite content for different social media channels. You may have a different audience on Instagram to the one you have on Facebook or Twitter, and every social media network will have its own image size requirements. If these are not followed your character count might be too long or your images might get cropped and squeezed.
  19. Facebook doesn’t really lend itself to 100% serious for 100% of the time. Boring pages are one of the biggest turn offs, keep things interesting, occasionally humorous, and make sure that your page doesn’t look chaotic. This isn’t going to be easy.
  20. Be mindful of the time. Posting times seem to matter slightly less than they once did but if you know your people are awake then it’s probably still the best time to post. Don’t worry if posts don’t immediately do well, these things take time and the post I shared a few weeks back is still going strong with almost 200,000 reactions now.
  21. Never cram multiple topics into a single post. People will either switch off or forget the most salient topics before they have finished reading it all.
  22. Be authentic. Be original, be you. Remember that you do have to keep on doing this and this really is a marathon and not a sprint.

Good Luck!

Some of what I have written today might seem brutal but good content is the key to building up engagement and there really is no easy way to say to someone that their content sucks but if it's not working, it really isn't working. There’s no short cut or secret way of tricking the system, social media is a relatively level playing field once all the content is stripped away. 

There will always be organisations and individuals who will have more followers than you but the simple fact is that we’re in the business of selling our art to make a living, don’t worry about how Nike are doing because you’re not selling sneakers. The art world can be brutal, social media can be even more brutal though because it is infinitely more accessible to more people.

The competition on social media isn’t other artists, it is the billions of other social posts that compete for the same eyes. Finding your people is hard and over the weeks and months that I have been mentioning the importance of finding them many readers have been in touch to say that finding their people is definitely the hardest thing to begin with. The only words I can offer here is that it only gets harder when you consider that you need to keep those people engaged and on side and carry on finding more of your people.

None of these issues though should be a reason to cast social media or Facebook aside. Facebook as I said earlier doesn’t make it easy but if we look back at many of the issues the big blue “F” have faced over the past few years, most of them have really been down to the actions of bad players, although to some extent Facebook do need to shoulder some responsibility too for allowing it to happen in the first place. The result is that we are where we are and the only thing to do is work with what we now have.

But the single best piece of advice I can offer beyond making sure that your content is great and engaging, is that you really do have to have a strategy for business pages. I have never wavered from this stance in all my years of using them, given the right content and the right strategy they really can help a business grow. No matter what faults we find with Facebook people always seem to come back to it. Probably because it offers emotion in spades.

There are also some significant changes that will be made to Facebook very soon. The distinctive blue banding will go and community groups will become the core of the news feed. Privacy will be paramount and there are planned changes to the Messenger and What’s App platforms. I have been saying that groups are going to be the life blood of Facebook for a long time and we started to see early signs when Pages could join groups as well as individuals.

The way we use Facebook now will drastically change over the next few years but one thing will always be certain, content and engagement will always be the absolute anchor of everything we do and even more so when the changes start to roll out as some of them already are.

If you thought VR had been and gone there’s yet another surprise around the corner because VR is only just beginning and Facebook see VR as the next platform over and above the computer. More on that though in another article! There’s a heap of new Facebook features in the works so check back here for updates on what’s coming next and how it might help or affect you when marketing your art.

the artists lounge facebook group
The Artists Lounge is Now Open!

One last thing before I go, this week I opened a brand new group on Facebook. It’s something I have been promising to do over the past year and we now have The Artists Lounge. You can join the group by answering a few questions but this is a very different kind of art group.

It is a group for artists to chat together, discuss strategies, tips, and support each other. It’s a place where you can be frustrated about the lack of sales, be joyful about your successes, learn about the art world, learn about new techniques, and it’s spam free and a closed group. That means that anything posted stays within the group and can only been seen by other members of the group.

There are no 24 x 30, oil, IM me for details kind of posts. Currently the group is small and it will be grown selectively. This is a safe space for artists to be artists and to connect with other artists. If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, details can be found on my Facebook page at the link below.

About Mark…

I am an artist and blogger and live in Staffordshire, England. You can purchase my art through my Fine Art America store or my Pixels site here:  
Any art sold through Fine Art America and Pixels contributes towards to the ongoing costs of running and developing this website. You can also view my portfolio website at
You can also follow me on Facebook at: where you will also find regular free reference photos of interesting subjects and places I visit and it is here where you can also join my art groups, and it’s all free of charge as a thank you for making and creating art that brings joy to so many people. You can also follow me on Twitter @beechhouseart and on Pinterest at
If you would like to support the upkeep of this site or maybe just buy me a coffee, you can do so right here. Any donations will ensure I can keep on providing regular updates to this site and to soon offer free artwork, marketing templates, and colouring pages on the sister site to this one right here


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